Thursday, June 3, 2010


Ok, we have had this problem for a while now, and I need HELP. Our little man has only a few select foods he will eat. Fruit and crackers being his favorites. How do I get him to eat other things? I have been offering and offering and offering and he tries nothing. Most things I have read (and our pediatrician) say not to fight with a 2 year old about what they eat. Just offer things you are ok with them eating and don't be a short order cook. I'll admit that I tend to cave sometimes and give him other things just because he WON'T eat what I want him to and I hate to have him eat nothing. Any suggestions? Example: If I offer him a plate with chicken, broccoli, and grapes he will only eat the grapes. ABSOLUTE REFUSAL (see below) to try anything else. Grapes and crackers are NOT enough for a growing boy...

And, just to give you a little perspective, this video is what it looks like when I try to get him to eat new things. (You might want to keep your sound down low.)

So this is a pretty typical dinner at our house.


BTW- Our daycare provider has been watching kids for 12 years, and even SHE says she doesn't know what to do with him!!!!!


Bets said...

I'm not much help since I don't have kids of my own.

I know the point is to get him to see those foods & eat them, but would it be worth trying those cookbooks that have the cauliflower mashed potatoes, sweet potato pancakes, and spinach brownies?
Then, he would be getting some veggies in the form of something that might be more appealing?

I even think I'd like some of those things more than just plain veggies!

P.S. LOVED the video ... especially "You wanna see the baby crying?" Ha!

The Lunds said...

Oh my gosh, poor Preston. He is a riot, but I know it must drive you crazy. It drives ME crazy when Ellen refuses things, and she only rarely does it. I am no help. What if he helps you cook / cut / stir? Would he try it then? Smoothies? I bet you could sneak 'sweet' veggies, like carrots and sweet potatoes and squash in with fruit and yogurt.

Courtney said...

I was going to say the same thing as Bets & Molly! I think Jerry Seinfeld's wife wrote a whole book or cookbook about how to "hide" nutritious foods into foods that kids will eat. It might be that Deceptively Delicious that Bets refers to. You might look into something like that!

Jules said...

Oh no - poor Preston (and Mama!) The video is quite hilarious - something to pull out to embarrass him in front of his friends when he is an unruly 16 year old! I have no kids, so my advice may sound harsh - he doesn't get crackers until he eats veggies - even if that means he doesn't eat. He is smart. He will eventually eat. (see - maybe I should hold off on having kids for awhile!)

ERICA said...

Oh dear God...Dylan's doing the same thing at the moment. I really hope we're not heading down the same rocky road you've had with Preston. If you figure anything out, please let me know!

(But I'd probably be just like you and give in so that he'd eat something at least...)