Sunday, February 24, 2013

Storm #1

We've enjoyed some bonus time together the last 4 days...I use the term "enjoyed" loosely. Portions were awesome; other parts I'd like to forget. (Like the times when both kids were crying in time out.)  Not so proud of my patience/parenting skills, but we are all still alive, so that counts for something, right?!  Here are some pics and a video of the fun we had with the 12+ inches of snow we got. Storm #2 should be here tomorrow night, and promises to bring another 12+. WHAT?!! Better stock up on wine now.

Sunday, February 17, 2013

I'm NOT a slacker

I swear it. I'm not. I have tried many times to post a Christmas video, and it just won't work. Our computer is slowly circling the drain, so I'm just waiting for it to die. In the mean time, let's recap the latest with photos.


Christmas Eve jammies

Merry Christmas!!

OCD Mom's worst nightmare.

Love on Christmas night

Donuts at John's Space Age-mmmmmmmmmm

Park trip in January

Bath time fun

Super Cousins

Super Bowl Sunday Rotel dip. Couldn't.Get.Enough.

Beyonce booty shake at half time.

Preston's super model kiss face.

Late night comic reading...just like his dad.

Sunday morning books together. This lasted 3 whole minutes and was a pure miracle. They BOTH sat still. For 3 whole minutes!!!

She loves loves loves loves her big bro.

Seriously cute.

My happy little Valentines.

Super sub love.

Park fun with Daddy.

My three kids.
I promise to get a recent video up soon. Callie is a talking fool, and Preston's as spunky as ever.