Monday, June 7, 2010

WT and Pool Time

Every kid needs a video like this, no? Classic WT with no shirt, camo shorts, and giant Homer Simpson slippers, aka Quack Quack shoes. And TPing the house is always fun.

We joined the Westwood City Pool today, which is Woodside Country Club's pool. Frankly, I was a little disappointed in the TINY baby pool, but I think the adult only pool that serves mommy's favorite beverages will make up for it on the days I don't have Preston with me!

Notice the blue part in the middle of his lower-lip. He was shivering so bad, but still didn't want to go home! Have I mentioned that I LOVE summer???


The Lunds said...

While the thought was nice, I'm not sure Preston's cleaning really helped. Also, when are Clint and Erik watching the kids so we can have beverages at your new pool?

Angie Grant said...

Love the slippers. I've seen those at our house and now I know what to expect!

Anonymous said...

I want to have adult vevs at the pool too!