Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Nummy Nummy

Kosi-Man came to play again yesterday. Preston LOVES him! The first thing he said in the morning when I went into his room was, "NOW KOSI COMING!" Thanks for being such a good role-model for him, Kosi!

Today we spent some time at the Deanna Rose Farmstead again. Got there at 9, thinking it wouldn't be too hot.



Here is Ellen thinking, "Ahhh...the wind in my hair feels great!"

And Preston thinking, "Girls are weird."

Jack telling us, "This goose is loose!"


And a little movie for your entertainment. They all liked feeding the baby goats, and Preston thought the goats enjoyed it too.

"Nummy Nummy!"

Maybe next time it won't feel like 115 degrees and we can stay for more than an hour...


The Lunds said...

Wild and crazy times! We are still sweating.

Bets said...

Sorry for continuing to walk in front of your Flip. I had NO CLUE you were recording. Seriously, no clue.
You're sneaky! :)