Thursday, June 24, 2010

Me Want Cookie

Another peaceful meal here tonight. (SARCASM DRIPPING)
I have recently bought in to the Ellyn Satter Division of Responsibility, per a friend's recommendation. The basics are as follows: I'm responsible for WHAT, WHEN, and WHERE he eats. Preston is responsible for HOW MUCH and IF he eats. So tonight I offered him chicken, cheese, green beans, and grapes. He also had the option of finishing his oatmeal and yogurt from breakfast. He ate the grapes and refused everything else.

Dessert choice was either fruit snacks OR a cookie.
He chose fruit snacks.

And then this happened.

Sigh. BUT I stood my ground, and he got no cookie. I'm going to take the blame for this flip-out, though, because I don't think he has quite grasped the concept of OR. Cookie OR fruit snacks probably means BOTH to him, so that's why he was so mad.

At one point he was screaming sooo loud and it was sooo piercing that the cat flipped out and ran upstairs. And I had to leave the room to gather myself, truth be told.

Oh well. Tomorrow is a new day!

PS- At bedtime he told me he was hungry and we went back down and he ate the oatmeal. I'll take that small victory...


The Lunds said...

oh, sad Preston. Good for you for sticking to your guns, and I agree that finishing the oatmeal was a victory. We delayed dinner by quite a bit at our house after Ellen dumped it all on the table and threw it around the kitchen. Sigh is right.

Anonymous said...

He will eat eventually. I know it is hard too. Made my heart hurt but I love the way he says coooookie.