Thursday, February 11, 2010

Good and Bad

This is what P likes to do after dinner...

News from daycare this week- our kid likes to push and hit. Why???? We definitely don't do that at home, although he does try to hit me sometimes when he is mad that I won't turn on an episode of Dora. I do NOT like being the parent of the bully! But the GOOD news is that she also told us he is very advanced for his age- talking, talking, talking all the time. He has had a vocabulary explosion in the past few weeks. She also said he is great at stacking and is doing much more than he should be able to at this age. Take the good and bad, I guess. At least he is cute-even when he gets put in time-out for hitting.


The Lunds said...

ooo - talking AND stacking? Ellen is impressed with her boyfriend! (I went to a love and logic class tonight. Good tips so far ..."Oh, Preston, how sad! You hit mommy so now you can't watch Dora." Will it work? Time will tell ...)

Bets said...

Oh, the squealing! Too cute! :)