Monday, November 23, 2009


In case you didn't see my new boots...The Stanford clan came to visit last night and it was great to see them! I'm happy to report that all of the boys got along well and even did some hugging when it was time for them to go.
SOO cute-Hugs for Charlie and big smiles for Brooks!

Huggin' & Kissin'

Playing with the boys.

PS- I'm 18 months old today-this is what happens when you try and take my picture!!


The Lunds said...

Awww .. that is so cute. Maybe a little more like a choke hold than a hug, but that's ok. :)

Steph, Rod and Parkersito said...

Awwww...Parker was 19 months when we brought him home...that age always brings back the best memories!!