Monday, November 16, 2009


It could be said that Preston has the attention span of a gnat. OR that of an 18 month old boy. Needless to say, I get very excited when something holds his attention for more than 10 seconds. The only toy we have that does the impossible at the moment is one from McDonald's. Is there anything McD's can't do?! He was mesmerized by the toy for about 2 minutes today, so I got the camera out. You can see that the peace didn't last long, but it was nice for the brief fleeting moment it was here...

Side note- P was wearing his "Oh, BLEEP!" clothes again today when I picked him up from daycare. That's three times in the past 7 days he has blown out there and needed his emergency clothes. But, as I am super mom and have stupendous superpowers, I saw this one coming and dressed him in BROWN pants today to make them salvageable! Score one for me!

1 comment:

The Lunds said...

what is that boy eating???