Saturday, November 14, 2009

Party On

Due to Preston's upcoming 18 month check-up, I decided to count and see how many words he knows and uses. Here is the list of things he says now. A few are sign language, but most aren't. Keep in mind that many of them don't REALLY sound like the word, but he is consistant in the way HE says them.

Mama, Dada, cracker, car, up, please, thank you, more, grape, waffle, window, moon, baa, quack, moo, meow, dog, cold, hot, bath, fish, shoes, drink, no, goo goo, bye, go, banana, apple, kix, color, uh-oh, bar, Steph, map, Dora, Boots, backpack, Elmo, tractor, cookie

The most frequently used words would be Mama and No-No.

On a side note, I did a little work on my ipod today, and decided I needed to download some "Party in the USA" for us to dance to. Of course he stopped dancing once I turned on the camera. Punk.

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