Wednesday, November 25, 2009


A year and a half already?? Can't believe he is growing up so fast! Went to the doc today for our 18 month check-up, and all is well.

Weight- 26 lbs (55%ile)
Head circumference- 19 in (70%ile)
Length- 34.5 in (97%ile)

He is LOOONG and his head grew quite a bit. I'll chalk that up to all of the new words he is learning.

Likes: fruit, puffs, carbs, TV, MAMA, bath, boots, Taggie blanket, dogs, airplanes

Dislikes: shots, doctors, nurses, meat, veggies


The Berndts said...

How can this kid not like meat? You can smell Oklahoma Joe's from your house!

The Lunds said...

Where do all those tall genes come from?

Courtney said...

Good point about Okie Joe's! He's such a big boy. BTW, I like the new background!