Thursday, October 22, 2009

Everyone's a critic

I decided to bust into this laptop we borrowed and do a long overdue blog post. Here are some photos from the past week or so and a movie mix of some recent happenings around here. Preston has started talking more- and I use the term "talking" loosely. There are lots of grunts and babbles, but we are starting to understand what some of the noises mean. Especially "NO-NO." He seems to have inherited a stubborn streak from someone. Weird, right??
Riding on Dada's shoulders
Running down the driveway

Holding hands with Jack at Westwood's Octoberfest
Looking for The Great Pumpkin
"Mom, this thing is HEAVY" (I told him to pick it up, and he sure tried!)

Pumpkin squatting with Jack
I kept telling him it wasn't a banana, but he didn't believe me

Videos below- Reading books, loving the vacuum, riding on Dada's shoulders, chasing the kitty, using my spoon, looking at pumpkins, going down the slide, and telling Mama "no-no' when she sings. This cracks Clint up- P honestly won't let me sing ANYthing anymore except for one book we read at bedtime. Everyone's a critic, I guess.
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Unknown said...

Cute! Eva has missed her baby Present videos lately. She still tells me to stop singing too.

Courtney said...

Yay for posting! Love the pics, this is such a great time of year.

Gypsyinme said...

And to think Preston's Uncle Gregg had a thing with the "sweepie" too! Uncle Gregg would always ask, "Can I play with your sweepie?" Would keep him busy for hours! Cute!

The Lunds said...

so cute! He is getting to be such a big boy ... now if he would just start using the vacuum.