Saturday, August 22, 2009

Still Fighting It

Preston is still fighting his illness, but seems to be a little better today. Strep test at the doctor's office was negative yesterday, so they think it is viral. His fever was gone this morning- sub temp actually- and he now has little red bumps on his face and chest. But doc says that is a sign of the viral stuff and that he is probably on the mend. I took the little booger to the park this morning since he has been quarantined to the house since Tuesday. (Besides a trip to the doc and grocery store.) He is in good spirits, so we are hopeful that the end of this sick-streak is near.

Watching him walk in this tunnel is like watching a drunken sailor. Cracks me up!

1 comment:

Angie Grant said...

I love it! Yes, it does look like a drunken sailor. Hopefully he's all better soon!