Saturday, May 16, 2009

Wrong side of the crib

SOMEbody woke up on the wrong side of the crib this morning. Moments of temper tantrums followed by smiles make Mommy very confused and a little cranky herself. P was reported as being 'perfect' for Mima yesterday. Where is that perfect baby today?!?! Maybe if he didn't get up at 6AM, everyone would be happier (this is what Morning Marie thinks).

This first video is an example of the mood swings. Notice the part at the end where he pushes the buttons on his toy- he has finally started to figure that out!

This one is some proof that there is no sitting still around here for anyone:

And this is just because.

PS- We got our new car! We will be eating Ramen Noodles and bologna sandwiches for the next five years, but at least we'll have two vehicles.

1 comment:

The Lunds said...

cute car - me likey! Tell Preston he can come over and hang out at our house at 6am. We're up everyday at that time. Boo.