Monday, May 4, 2009

A Case of the Mondays

Clint has a case of the Mondays today. Unfortunately he got to spend his Friday night putting in a new Hot Water Heater. Then today he got into a little fender-bender and totalled our dear family member, Ali the Altima (1993-2009-May she rest in peace). Luckily everyone is ok and he had already dropped Preston off at daycare. To top it all off he gave himself a paper-cut while looking for the insurance folder. Hopefully that is the end to our bad luck. Anyone know of a good car for sale?? Preferably one that is free and has third row seating??


The Lunds said...


Steph, Rod and Parkersito said...

Dang...that looks like more than a little fender bender to me. I'm so glad Preston was not in the car! :)