Sunday, January 18, 2009

Time To Blog

As a result of all the bloggers out there, we have decided to start one to chart our progress here in the Hooker household. I'm sure the majority of it will be about Preston Douglas (aka P Diddy), our little man born May, 23, 2008. We'll use this site to keep you up to date on his latest accomplishments. So far pooping and getting food on his face seem to be his greatest feats. Actually, he is sitting up, feeding himself, and is on the brink of crawling now, so we are getting our running shoes ready. Here are a few pictures from his first 4 months of life. Enjoy!


Anonymous said...

I can't believe how fast he has grown!
Such a cutie and my mom SWEARS he is looking more and more like you. We have since put her in a home!

Anonymous said...

I can't believe how fast he has grown. My mom was saying last night how she thinks he is looking more and more like you Marie. We have since put her in a home.
Great blog!