Friday, January 23, 2009

Laughter is the best medicine

8 Months Old!!

Preston is 8 months old today--hard to believe! He has changed so much, especially in the past few months. Babbling, squealing, sitting up, feeding himself, rolling around, fake coughing, and laughing are some of his "tricks" at the moment. And, of course, pooping. (2 outfits with his elephant today were a result of pooping up the back of the first outfit!) He will be crawling any minute and teeth will show up soon, too. But listening to him laugh is BY FAR my favorite thing to do. The best part is that he thinks I'm funny!! YES!

Here I am sitting up in my crib!
click below to see the whole album of Preston's 8th month

I'm a lumberjack!
For some reason last night he decided to scream from around 2:30 am until almost 4 am. I finally caved in and fed him around 3:45. (I know I shouldn't have done it, but I needed to go back to sleep and it was the only thing that made him happy!) As soon as he finished eating he started babbling and giggling at me. As exhausted as I was, and frustrated with him for keeping me up half the night, I couldn't help but smile back at him. I guess laughter is the best medicine for tired moms.

Haaaay! You can't stay mad at me for long!

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