Thursday, June 18, 2009


Ahh, the joys of parenthood. Yesterday was quite exciting around here. Started off with an unscheduled trip to our pediatrician's office first thing in the morning due to P wheezing, coughing, and boogering all over the place. They checked him out, said it was an ear infection, gave us a prescription for antibiotics, and sent us on our merry way.

P then really struggled to take his morning nap. When he finally slept for a while, I decided to wake him up for lunch. He was wheezing so bad that his nostrils were flaring. After a call to our favorite nurse, Erin, I called the pediatrician's office again. They told me to take him to the ER right away. WHAT??! That's what I said.

Commence panic mode.

Got to the hospital around 2:20 and didn't leave until around 5:30. LONG day of waiting, going to triage, waiting, going back to our room, waiting, seeing the doc, waiting, getting an rsv test, seeing another doc, waiting, getting a chest x-ray, waiting, getting a breathing treatment, waiting, and finally being discharged with more prescription meds to pick up (breathing treatments and steriods- he's going to be so strong!).

He has a pretty severe case of bronchiolitis (viral lung infection) and an ear infection. The problem yesterday was that his airway was pretty constricted due to inflammation. They mentioned the possibility that it could be asthma, but since his chest x-ray showed some junk, I don't think that it is asthma. They did rule out rsv and pneumonia, though, so that is good.

Lesson learned for the day: have a ziplock baggie with emergency stuff ready to go in it. Example of what I'll be making today--giant baggie with sippy cup, container of cheerios, a few diapers, wipes, and some toys. In my panic yesterday, I just grabbed him and my purse and we flew to the car. I had a few diapers, wipes, and toys, but the sippy cup and snacks would have been nice to have with us. So keep that emergency stuff in your diaper bag or a handy place so you can grab and run if needed. My bad yesterday.
P seems to be more himself today...but the roids make him a little dizzy so he is super wobbly.


Anonymous said...

Did you give him his roids with a side of whisky?
Glad he is feeling better!

LW said...

nice video! glad P-Diddy is feeling better!


The Lunds said...

The miracle of drugs!

Courtney said...

Poor guy! And poor you. Hope he gets better soon.

Genie said...

Feel so bad for P and Momma. :( At least he looks like the meds are working. Hope your summer gets better.