Saturday, June 6, 2009

Practice Makes Perfect?

Ok, I know they say practice makes perfect, but that doesn't seem to be true for P so far. He is falling all over the place- smacking his chin on the piano bench, hitting his face on the floor, cracking his head on his crib (there goes Princeton). I'm sure there will be many more falls, but I hate it every time!! I'm always right next to him when it happens, but I'm just not fast enough.

Boys will be boys, I guess.

Here are a few pics from the last few days. Stop taking my picture and just blow me some bubbles, Mom!

The Berndts came to see me! I love them!

Check out my fat lip and cut least I get my muscles from my dad.


The Lunds said...

Scars give a person character ...

Angie Grant said...

Put him in a wife beater and the scars would go along with the outfit! I'm sure he'll get the hang of it soon enough.

Steph, Rod and Parkersito said...

True signs of a real boy!!! So cute. Hope you're having a great summer!