Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Confessions of a Bad Mom Part II

Really, Mom?
Ok, so you have already heard some of my confessions of being a bad mom on here, but I think it is time for another repentance. Yesterday was an 'off' day for me. It all started around 9AM when P and I were playing a little game of 'catch me'. Yes, the same game we were playing when he smacked his head while I was taking his picture months ago. (Hmmm-maybe we should stop playing that game?!) I was on one side of the white couch hiding while P was on the other side waiting for me to get him- giggling away. Before I could pop my head around the corner of the couch to make him laugh, I heard a sloshing noise. This smart mom had left her coffee on the tray that attaches to the couch and forgotten that P has a much better reach now that he is walking. Luckily, it was lukewarm coffee that splashed all over P, the floor, and the white couch. AWESOME way to start the day.
Fast forward to dinner time, 6:30 PM. I heated up some mashed potatoes and green beans for P and was feeding them to him. I always test to make sure it isn't too hot for his little mouth. Apparently the third bite was scorching, because as soon as it went in his mouth he started crying. I mean REALLY crying, to the point that he started choking on the food. Yes, red-faced, can't-breathe, coughing-like-mad choking. I swiftly got him out of his high chair and turned him over for a few gentle back blows. He was breathing fine then, but definitely scared. (I was NOT breathing fine and scared out of my mind!)
The final installation of this confession comes into play this morning. P cried a little at 6AM, but went back to sleep until 7. I decided that I'd go get him up at 7 when he was whining a little. (He still doesn't understand that Mommy wants to sleep in during summer!) Walked into his room and he was sitting there smiling at me- but MY GOD THE SMELL!!! It was enough to melt your nose hairs. He had puked ALL over his bed and was just sitting there grinning at me. I'll kindly spare you the details, but I'm pretty sure he had spewed last night and slept on it till morning. We threw the sheets away because it was so bad. We never heard him cry last night, but I felt terrible for not going to check on him at 6AM when he was crying the first time. (Even though I'm sure he had gotten sick long before that.) I explained to him that it is ok to cry louder so Mommy knows she needs to come clean the barf out of your hair...and ears...and toes.
We'll start fresh tomorrow, right??
I still love you, Mom!

Let's play 'catch me' again!!


Genie said...

Oh, Marie. I cringed while reading this. I'm so sorry to hear about your bad day. Hope it gets better. :)

Erin said...

I Totally UNDERSTAND! Sorry about your pukey day and morning!

The Lunds said...

ewww. Being a mom is great! A BAD mom wouldn't have cleaned him up after the mess. You are a great one!

Janae said...

I feel your pain. Aiden woke me up at 6:30 a.m. last Friday, and I discovered a whole crib full of puke. He hadn't made a peep all night. Oh, well. Every mom has their "off" days. Hope tomorrow goes more smoothly. :)

Bets said...

Don't feel bad. You are off of your game since you have your summer brain in! If it makes you feel any better, a bad Aunt probably would have left the sheets until Mom & Dad got home to clean it up :) Ha!