Sunday, January 29, 2012

She's Baaack

After a flu bug and 3 new teeth busting through, I think we finally have our happy girl back. PHEW!

Callie turned 10 months old this weekend, and that just doesn't seem possible.  Probably the lack of hair leads me to believe she is still a tiny baby, but she is most definitely NOT.  Lately she won't even eat baby food- only small pieces of fruit, toast, peas, or whatever we're having. Hoping she will be our good eater since Preston would be happy to survive on waffles and candy alone  I thought maybe some peer pressure from Callie would get him to eat and enjoy some new foods, but tonight he took one bite of what we were having and promptly said "No, thank you!" while making a gross-out face. Sigh. Those books that say 10-15 exposures to a food will do the trick are full of it.  

Some peek-a-boo fun!                          No mas peek-a-boo, Mom.

Maybe they could take this show on the road and make us millions? As a side note, I never NEVER thought I'd be the parent who puts their kids in pjs like Preston is wearing in this picture. But, alas, last night he was wearing Woody and Buzz, and Callie was wearing Tinker Bell. What has happened to me?! Have I lost all will to fight??

Here's a little bed time story for you read by Preston. If you aren't familiar with the DAVID books, I recommend them. He may not be a good role model, but he makes me giggle. Especially when he runs naked through the streets. I'm fully expecting Preston do to that some day. Soon.  

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