Friday, August 12, 2011

Busy Busy!

Too busy with the beginning of a new school year for many posts lately, but here are some videos to tide you over.
"Googlie Bear" (a little song we sing for Callie)

First food for Callie- we tried it for the first time a few days ago, and she is like an old pro now!

Rolling over- she still doesn't roll from her tummy to her back much, but she does this all the time now!

This last one is pretty amazing, methinks. I asked Preston to 'read' to me tonight. He always says, "BUT I CAN'T READ, MOM!" I convinced him to try it tonight. This book is called There's A Nightmare In My Closet and it was mine when I was little. (I LOVED it!! So much that I had to tape it together for Preston to be able to use it.) To be fair, we have read it many times, but last night was the first time we had read it in a while. This is him reading it to me tonight. And he seriously knows almost every word. The boy has his father's memory, thank God! I can't remember what I had for breakfast today.

Here are the REAL words, so you can see how well he does: There used to be a nightmare in my closet. Before going to sleep, I always closed the closet door. I was even afraid to turn around and look. When I was safe in bed, I'd peek...sometimes. One night I decided to get rid of my nightmare once and for all. As soon as the room was dark, I heard him creeping toward me. Quickly I turned on the light and caught him sitting at the foot of my bed. "Go away, Nightmare, or I'll shoot you!" I said. I shot him anyway. My nightmare started to cry. I was mad...but not too mad. "Nightmare, be quiet or you'll wake Mommy and Daddy," I said. He wouldn't stop crying, so I took him by the hand and tucked him in bed and closed the closet door. I suppose there's another nightmare in my closet, but my bed's not big enough for three.

1 comment:

The Lunds said...

Your kids must have eaten their Wheaties all summer long! Smarties! (And cute, to boot!)