Sunday, October 10, 2010

E week

Well, Preston survived week two of preschool. I'd like to say he has adjusted 100%, but that would be a lie. He did have two really good days, but every morning was full of tears and screams for Mommy and Daddy. Mila says that he is resisting because he is smart and realizes that we are messing with his regular routine. Lower intellect children tend to be more easy-going. And I quote, "He iz highly intelligent, there iz no doubt about that." (My attempt at typing her Russian accent.) I like when people I'm paying tell me my kid is smart. At least he isn't a freak of nature. Although there was one morning when he was throwing his temper tantrum at drop off and she said to Clint, "Vell, I've never zeen zis before." Nice. The woman has been doing this for 16 years and our kid brings new challenges to her. We are hopeful that next week will mark the beginning of smooth sailing.
Here are a few of his E projects from this week. Eruption picture for helping clean up, Easel painting, Elephant made with his own choices (long trunk, big eyes, grey ears...), and Eagle tent.

And a few clips for your enjoyment. For those who doubt that P is mine due to the fact that he looks just like Clint, here is proof. He likes to help clean- he DEFINITELY gets that from me. And a little birthday song for the kitties. MC and Phoggy turned 3 yesterday. Love those kitties! BTW, I think they know baby #2 is on the way because neither of them really want to have anything to do with me anymore. Clint is now the Alpha Cat of the house.


Bets said...

* Preston is welcome to come swiffer my wood floors ANY time he wants!
* I LOVE that his teacher gives them prizes for helping to clean.
* We play "Magic Piece of Trash" at the end of the day. I go around and pick one specific something on the floor, then they all clean up, show what they found to me, put it in the trash, and at the end I give $5 classroom money to the kid that picked up my chosen piece. They LOVE it!
* That paper plate elephant is really cute ... great idea!
* Nice singing ... happy birthday, kitties! :)

The Lunds said...

Are you saying Ellen is low-intellect because she is (mostly) easy going? :)