Thursday, March 25, 2010

Not Two, But Still Terrible

Let me preface this video with a little explanation so you don't think I'm a terrible parent. (Although I DID think I was a terrible parent all afternoon!) Preston has been a little "off" for about a week. Puke last weekend, some other digestive issues this week, so we kept him home today. Dada stayed in the morning and I came to relieve him in the afternoon. P is very routine oriented, so this was not a normal day. This video was taken after 45 minutes of him doing this at nap time. He didn't go down for his nap until he couldn't fight anymore-- he had 2 hours worth of fight in him, though.
Trust me- I tried EVERYTHING I could think of. "You want up? down? blankie? moukey? boo-boo kitty? read books? cuddle? drink? hug? kiss? me to leave? me to stay? go downstairs? me to sit? me to stand? rock in chair? go to kitties' room? me to sit here and be silent for 5 minutes? tv? (desperation had really set in with that one) go outside? snack? motrin?..." You get the idea. So I decided I may as well document it for a minute or so. You might want to keep your sound down low. Hard to see some of it, but you can HEAR it!

He was much more like himself tonight, but whew! I need a drink.


The Lunds said...

Oh, poor mommy and poor preston. Just wait for tomorrow night, my friend ...

Jules said...

The bottom lip quiver is priceless!
We will have to give you your own bottle of wine tonight!