Friday, January 8, 2010


Too cold to do much of anything. Clint took the camera and the Flip with him on his trip, so no fun posts lately. Funny, because I have had plenty of time to do posts since I had three snow days this week! But we haven't left the house since Tuesday. Sub-zero wind chills ruin all fun. We have built MANY forts in the past few days, though. Preston calls it his 'car' and asks me to make him one about 15 times a day. I obliged twice today because I feel so bad for him being quarantined in the house. He takes his flashlight, drink, keys, and other important things into his 'car' and giggles his head off.
He has also started putting on my slippers, his backpack, grabbing his keys, and walking around saying 'bye-bye'. Quite cute.
AND he was in the bathroom with me yesterday and told me he needed to poop. Actually, he just said 'poop' and grabbed his bum. I asked if he wanted to go on the potty, and he said 'yeth' in his cute little lisp. But I was too slow and he pooped in his diaper before I could figure out how to put his tiny body on our giant toilet. Guess it is time to get a training potty? Seems a bit early, and it was probably a fluke, but may get one anyway for future 'poop' moments. Bet you wanted to hear about poop today, didn't you??
I have enjoyed every second of my extra time with him this week. (Cranky moments-for both of us- and poopy pants included.) Makes me wish I could stay home with him ALL the time!!

1 comment:

The Lunds said...

You sound like an excellent fort-maker. I'm sure he loved being home with you, too!