Saturday, August 4, 2012

In Honor of the Olympics...

I have decided that there should be something called the Parent Olympics. Some of the events could be as follows:
  1. Trim Time- Trim fingernails and toenails of small children- fastest time with no bleeding wins.
  2. Bath Battles- Bathe two small children at the same time- fastest time, cleanest booties, and no bleeding wins.
  3. Distance Driving- Arrive safely at your destination. Smallest amount of tears (from parents and children both) and no bleeding wins.
  4. Diaper Duty- Cleanest bum in the fastest time wins- keeping baby's hands out of the poop is a bonus point.
  5.  Meal Mania- Get kids to consume at least one piece of fruit or veggie AND try to have more food end up in their bellies than on the floor. Bonus points for parents who actually get to take a few bites of their own food while it's at least lukewarm.
  6. Pool Party- Only one parent may participate in this event. Take both kids to the pool by yourself. No drowning wins. Bleeding and/or barfing are ok.
  7. Restaurant Rowdiness- Take kids to a restaurant to eat. Making it through the meal without being asked to leave wins.
  8. Too Much TV- Leave your TV off for an entire day. Survival wins.
  9. Photo Op- Get a good photo of both kids at once. No photoshop allowed. Happiest photo wins.
  10. Hairy Mess- Cut your child's hair yourself. Decent look and no bleeding wins.
  11. Bedtime Battles- Convince both children to nap AND go to bed at the same time. Least number of go-back-ins (aka- I NEED A DRINK! I NEED TO GO POTTY! THE FAN IS POINTING THE WRONG WAY! I NEED MY AIRPLANE! I NEED ANOTHER HUG! I'M HOT! I'M COLD! TURN OFF THE SUN! I WANT ONE MORE BOOK!) and quickest time to fall asleep wins. Longevity of sleep gets bonus points.
Anyone want to participate in these games?? We are lucky enough to live it every day! And love (almost) every second.
Here is Callie's idea for an Olympic event for 16-month-olds. And a little talking at the end. Don't mind the mess- that could be another event. Keeping the house clean. HA!


The Lunds said...

Ha! The restaurant rowdies is the WORST.

Courtney said...

Yay Callie! She says my name so well!