Sunday, July 10, 2011

Tulsa Trip

We took a little road trip to Tulsa this past weekend to visit the Stanford family. This has been a tradition for the past 6 years (we have gone every other year). It was a great trip, and most definitely not long enough! Lots of pictures of the fun we packed in.
Callie was excited to leave on Friday.

Let's go, Mom! The whole crew Saturday morning. Having a SUPERsnack. Playing in the backyard. Fishing in the backyard. The dudes. Becky got them all new T-shirts to sport. I think this one is funny- looks like they are making some major decisions. Sweet Charlie. He got one! This little stream is throw it in, and a fish bites. EVERY.SINGLE.TIME. I don't think Charlie and Brooks will enjoy REAL fishing when they have to wait to catch one! Mmm...dinner. Next we went to the pool and then out to lunch. Loved passing Callie off to Becky and Jeremy! She was even nice enough to get her to go to sleep Saturday night when she was being cranky. Boy do I wish she lived closer... Callie picking her nose at the farmer's market we stopped at for fresh tomatoes and peaches. Superfriends. Watching a movie before Hayden and Tracy joined us for a delicious dinner. Charlie LOVED Callie!!!! So sweet. And Sunday morning they took a trip to the Quik Trip donut factory! How cool is that! Driving the donut truck. Then home for some splashing in the backyard. Brooks---so cute! All of the kids. And some video of it all.

Can't wait to do it again!!! (We'll pretend like the car rides there and back didn't happen, and then it was the perfect weekend!)

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