Saturday, November 20, 2010

Kitty and Sickie

"K" week at school=Kitty mask.
"Wook, Momee- I show you!"
Cute kitty. Got our first call to pick him up from school for being sick on Thursday. I guess they don't like it when your kid pukes everywhere after snack time. Picky picky! It has been a rough few days with lots of upchuck clean-up...

but he is never too sick to make a mess!
We are at 24 hours being yarf free- let's hope we are done.


The Lunds said...

oh no - boo, sickies. I hope super dad took care of all the clean up so super mom wouldn't get sick? Glad he is on the mend!

Liz Krueger said...

i think all of kc has the pukes? everyone i talk to has it!! hope you and clint avoid it...i hear its crazy contagious!!!

The Berndts said...

Yikes, P! Hope you feel better soon!!