Monday, December 14, 2009

'Tis The Season

Do I even need to explain? We went to see Santa this weekend, and obviously it didn't go well. Hilarious on our end, but Preston was not amused. He was happy when we got there, walked up to Santa and waved at him, and then BAM. Screaming his head off. Clint and I were NOT planning on being in the picture, so please ignore our natural beauty. Funny and classic. The people are supposed to be emailing us a copy of the picture, but for now here is a picture of the picture. You can't see it as well in this one, but there are two HUGE tears streaming down his face. They wanted to try and wait to get a cute one, but quickly realized they should just take the photos and get on with their business. We chose the one where he was screaming the most. Are we bad parents!? I feel for him, but still think we should enter it into a bad Santa photo contest or something.
Here is Preston seeing our Charlie Brown Christmas tree for the first time. (It is a little sad and pathetic, but I wouldn't let Clint go get another one. We have to make it work- if Charlie could do it, so can we!) He likes the "stars" on it. Amazingly enough, he has not thrown any ornaments at the cats (yet).

And a special thanks to Kosi Man for coming over last week. He brought us some cookies from his school fundraiser AND some movies! He is so generous- AND cute!!

Thanks, Kosi! I LOVE cookies!!


Unknown said...

Eva did that last Christmas when we went to visit Santa. I quickly threw her on his lap and ran away. Her picture is in midscream. :) This year she wouldn't go anywhere near him. Apparently we all need at least one screaming picture with Santa. :)

The Lunds said...

Oh my garsh - I love it. The screaming ones are for sure the best! (We haven't attempted yet ...)

Bets said...

Is it just me, or did he say "Christmas tree" when he started walking towards it??? :)

Anonymous said...

Send the screaming Preston to the Bad Santa Piture contest, the smiling Preston to the Cute Babies Dressed Up Like Santa Claus Picture Contest and your Hooker-in-the-Pyramid story to Reader's Digest! ; )
