Friday, July 31, 2009

Let me tell you 'bout the birds and the bees...

OK, no birds today. And actually, no bees either. We thought they were bees, but they are YELLOW JACKETS. They have been invading our front porch for about a month, and had built a nice little home behind our siding.
I called a local bee guy this morning, and he wanted to know what color their legs were. "Excuse me, Mr. Yellow Jacket? Could you please show me your legs?" Riiight.
He advised me to kill one and look. Ummmmm...NOT an easy thing to do when you hate bees and all of their friends! Picture me with my gardening gloves on (like those would help protect me) and flailing around with a fly swatter. Swat, run. Swat, run. Swat, jump, squeal, run. I eventually got one, and his legs were yellow. That means KILL THEM! (Can't kill honeybees- they have black legs and are important.)

This is the one I managed to swat while frantically swinging my arms around like a mad woman.

So I called someone to come out and exterminate them.

Here is an action shot.If I had one of those hats, I could have done it myself. Took them about 6 minutes to "smoke 'em out" and cost us $250. Booo.

At least they shouldn't bee bugging us anymore. HA!
Anyone know any good recipes for yellow jacket stew? Looks like that's what we'll be eating this month due to depleted funds.

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