Saturday, September 25, 2010

Saturday Morning Madness

Eventful morning:

Met Mima for breakfast. Mmmmm. Pancakes, Eggs, Biscuit, Potatoes, Bacon. Delish.

Went to Mall in search of maternity pants. (Maybe due to the amount of food I ate at breakfast-not because of baby bean.) No maternity stores there now! WHAT?? Waste of 45 minutes dragging P around. And I had no cash in my pocket, so he couldn't ride the Carousel. My bad.

Went to Old Navy to continue the fatty pants search. Jackpot AND a Halloween costume for P. MAJOR meltdown while there- flopping on floor, screaming, crying, snot flowing from nose. (Preston did those things, not me. Although I was tempted to join him.) All because I wouldn't buy him a football. Sorry, kid. No footballs for little boys who make me look like a bad mom in public.

Then went to Velvet Creme with The Nelsons for their Popcorn Festival today. Band, bouncy house, NASCAR vehicles, and making our own popcorn ball. Good fun! Camera is with Daddy in Colorado, so you'll have to settle for a few video clips.

1 comment:

The Lunds said...

fun day! We got rained on in Lawrence - not nearly as fun. Seems that all the 'maternity stores' are consolidating. Have you tried Ann Taylor LOFT online? They sometimes have good sales. There used to be a Motherhood outlet at The Legends, too.