Thursday, December 31, 2009

December/2009 Recap

Hard to believe it is going to be 2010 tomorrow. Seems like just yesterday was 2000. When did we get so old?? I guess we really are adults now that we have careers and a kid. It was a good year, full of fun. The first picture is what Preston was doing a year ago. Crawling around like a monkey. He looks so different now!

Here is our family photo in front of the Charlie Brown Christmas tree. Click on it for the full album of December.Preston trying to figure out what all of the chaos is about on Christmas morning. Loving his new taggie, though!
Cool feature on our camera...cartoon. I thought it was appropriate since P is wearing his AWESOME super hero pajamas.

He is so big now he wants to wear his backpack and drive to school. He is giving me the "Seriously, Mom?" look.

And a little video of him wearing Dada's backpack. Backpacks are a current obsession, thanks to Dora and HER backpack.

Have a Happy New Year!!!
Here's to 2010!

Wednesday, December 30, 2009


We had some XO girls and their families over last night for a little post-holiday cheer. Good wine, good food, good times.
Jack and Carter File playing with Preston's toys. (Blurry- sorry!)The dudes.

Little Olivia Hardy.

Katie, Olivia, Brooke, Molly, Allyson, Jack, Me, and Preston. What a cute group!

A little more personality in this one...

Quick video of the madness.
Thanks to all for coming!

Tuesday, December 29, 2009


We got a dusting of snow this week, and I FINALLY let Preston go play in it yesterday. Loved it!

Friday, December 25, 2009


Seven minutes of Christmas madness below. Starts with Eve at Mima Ceese's house and the rest is at our house this morning/afternoon. Hope you had a wonderful holiday!

Thursday, December 24, 2009

Preston thinks Kevin is funny- especially when he tickles him!


Preston with Mimi Mary and Cousin Kevin at Mima Ceese's house tonight.

Checking out the "Kid Tree" with all the homemade ornaments from each year. If you look closely, you can see Preston's ornament from this year in the bottom right-hand corner the picture.

Hope Santa is good to you tomorrow! He was good to me... Clint surprised me with some new bling for my ring! Best Christmas ever!! Ignore my wrinkly, dry fingers. It is COLD here!

Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Old School

We went to my Christmas party with work friends this weekend, and I got to see some OLD school friends! The party was at the McCoy house, so we were able to hang out with Tammy, Sheredy, and her son, Liam. Are they BEAUTIFUL or what???
Preston had a great time running around the house and touching everything he shouldn't. Here is Lynette running a little defense. Mimi Mary, Papa Joe, and Cousin Kevin will be here in just a few hours...should have some fun posts from their visit!

Friday, December 18, 2009


OK- there is a link now in the top right-hand corner of our blog where you can vote for the Santa picture...I'm sure he won't win because there are people on there with thousands of votes already, but still fun to try!
Let's move on to a movie. Some silliness: flopping around on the bed and wearing Dada's shoes. Sorry about the shrieking--he learned that from a little girl at daycare. At least they are happy shrieks most of the time!

Shameless Promotion

Click on the picture below to vote for Preston in the Scary Santa photo contest. You can vote every hour, but do have to register with them first. So far I haven't received any misc emails from them, so I don't think you'll get lots of SPAM as a result of registering. No promises though.

Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Screaming at Santa- the REAL photo

They finally sent it...check out those tears!

Monday, December 14, 2009

'Tis The Season

Do I even need to explain? We went to see Santa this weekend, and obviously it didn't go well. Hilarious on our end, but Preston was not amused. He was happy when we got there, walked up to Santa and waved at him, and then BAM. Screaming his head off. Clint and I were NOT planning on being in the picture, so please ignore our natural beauty. Funny and classic. The people are supposed to be emailing us a copy of the picture, but for now here is a picture of the picture. You can't see it as well in this one, but there are two HUGE tears streaming down his face. They wanted to try and wait to get a cute one, but quickly realized they should just take the photos and get on with their business. We chose the one where he was screaming the most. Are we bad parents!? I feel for him, but still think we should enter it into a bad Santa photo contest or something.
Here is Preston seeing our Charlie Brown Christmas tree for the first time. (It is a little sad and pathetic, but I wouldn't let Clint go get another one. We have to make it work- if Charlie could do it, so can we!) He likes the "stars" on it. Amazingly enough, he has not thrown any ornaments at the cats (yet).

And a special thanks to Kosi Man for coming over last week. He brought us some cookies from his school fundraiser AND some movies! He is so generous- AND cute!!

Thanks, Kosi! I LOVE cookies!!

Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Who's that kid...

...with the OREO cookie?

Sunday, December 6, 2009


So I have to be really sneaky now when I take videos of Preston. As soon as he sees the camera he wants to watch it, so it is becoming harder and harder to get good clips of him. I AM smarter than a 1.5 year old, though, so I got a few this morning. Some coloring here:

And some Puzzling Shapes here. This is a Baby Einstein book/puzzle, and it has been GREAT for teaching him shapes and colors. (I got it for 50 cents at our used book fair at school 2 years ago!) He likes to take each shape to his chair and then bring them back and figure out where they go.

PS- Isn't he cute in his feetie pajamas??

Monday, November 30, 2009

November Recap

So Preston spends 80% of his time trying to get me to pick him up. I'll admit that I'm a sucker and will do it most of the time when he says "UUU UUUp" and then signs "please". So you would think that the ONE time I want to hold him for a picture on Thanksgiving, he would happily oblige my request. No such luck. I wanted a pic of us in our matching Dallas Cowboys gear that Clint got us, but this is about all we got out of the attempts. Nice. Sorry to disappoint, but it will not be on our Christmas card this year. What?? I wake up looking this good. Don't be jealous of my natural beauty.

Mmmmmm...peanut butter on crackers. Or on my face.
Playing with Dada. Don't I look like a little man in my new shirt?
Hahahahaaaaaa! Click on the picture below for the whole album for November.

Videos: A little bit at Thanksgiving, stuck between a chair and a hard place, talking to the kitties, and reading with Mama. He has definitely been getting better at "reading" and will point things out when I ask him to. SOMEtimes he gets the words right, too. I think it is pretty cute...especially when he THINKS he is saying what I just said but it sounds NOTHING like it.

Wednesday, November 25, 2009


A year and a half already?? Can't believe he is growing up so fast! Went to the doc today for our 18 month check-up, and all is well.

Weight- 26 lbs (55%ile)
Head circumference- 19 in (70%ile)
Length- 34.5 in (97%ile)

He is LOOONG and his head grew quite a bit. I'll chalk that up to all of the new words he is learning.

Likes: fruit, puffs, carbs, TV, MAMA, bath, boots, Taggie blanket, dogs, airplanes

Dislikes: shots, doctors, nurses, meat, veggies

Monday, November 23, 2009


In case you didn't see my new boots...The Stanford clan came to visit last night and it was great to see them! I'm happy to report that all of the boys got along well and even did some hugging when it was time for them to go.
SOO cute-Hugs for Charlie and big smiles for Brooks!

Huggin' & Kissin'

Playing with the boys.

PS- I'm 18 months old today-this is what happens when you try and take my picture!!

Saturday, November 21, 2009


Some silly videos for your viewing pleasure- being a cowboy with Dada is one of P's favorite things. The second part proves that he really IS my kid because he is helping me clean! Third part is him trying out his Little Flyer trike from Kosi. His little chubby feet can't reach the pedals yet, but he seemed to like it. And last, but most definitely not least, is him wearing his new cowboy boots I got him today. Dada had fed him dinner and somehow (?!?) managed to get food on his butt, so we were sans pants when he modeled the new boots. Classic.

Thursday, November 19, 2009

Life's a gas

Don't you hate it when you pull up to your street after a long day of work and the police and fire department tell you that you can't go home because your house may explode at any second? I know I do.

Monday, November 16, 2009


It could be said that Preston has the attention span of a gnat. OR that of an 18 month old boy. Needless to say, I get very excited when something holds his attention for more than 10 seconds. The only toy we have that does the impossible at the moment is one from McDonald's. Is there anything McD's can't do?! He was mesmerized by the toy for about 2 minutes today, so I got the camera out. You can see that the peace didn't last long, but it was nice for the brief fleeting moment it was here...

Side note- P was wearing his "Oh, BLEEP!" clothes again today when I picked him up from daycare. That's three times in the past 7 days he has blown out there and needed his emergency clothes. But, as I am super mom and have stupendous superpowers, I saw this one coming and dressed him in BROWN pants today to make them salvageable! Score one for me!

Saturday, November 14, 2009

Party On

Due to Preston's upcoming 18 month check-up, I decided to count and see how many words he knows and uses. Here is the list of things he says now. A few are sign language, but most aren't. Keep in mind that many of them don't REALLY sound like the word, but he is consistant in the way HE says them.

Mama, Dada, cracker, car, up, please, thank you, more, grape, waffle, window, moon, baa, quack, moo, meow, dog, cold, hot, bath, fish, shoes, drink, no, goo goo, bye, go, banana, apple, kix, color, uh-oh, bar, Steph, map, Dora, Boots, backpack, Elmo, tractor, cookie

The most frequently used words would be Mama and No-No.

On a side note, I did a little work on my ipod today, and decided I needed to download some "Party in the USA" for us to dance to. Of course he stopped dancing once I turned on the camera. Punk.

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

In and Out

Playing inside-and you wonder why we have computer problems. Honestly, this was only the second time we have let him touch the computer...but I love when he laughs at himself!

Playing outside- throwing a ball and helping put the leaves in the trash can.

Sunday, November 8, 2009

Franklin Park

Due to the BEAutiful weather this weekend, we spent some time at the park with friends. Here are some highlights.
(Little did he know that later this same slide would give him a black eye...)Luke and Paige playin' ball

Bubble boy?
Trouble Playing with Luke

Jack in the leaves

First kiss!!! Preston and Paige sittin' in a tree...
Tiffany and Luke

Erin and Jack (AND Thing One and Thing Two in there somewhere!)

Mama and Preston

Hopefully this weather will last so we can do it again next weekend!

Friday, November 6, 2009

Pick a pic

Aunt Paige took some great pics last are a few of my favorites. We may use one for our Christmas card this year. Which one is YOUR favorite? (The ones with me in them are not an option- when did I get so old and wrinkly!?)
Here are my teeth.I love Mama.

Mama's boy
Ooooh-party favors!
So cute- except for the snot trickle.
Did you know monkeys ate graham crackers?
Silly boys...