Friday, November 1, 2013

Like Chicken

Life is too busy to do blog posts these days. (Plus the ease of using facebook to post little things is much more convenient!)  But here are a few videos from the last month or so.
Tonight's game of "Smell My Feet". During dinner I actually said, "Put your legs under the table. We'll play Smell My Feet AFTER dinner."  What has happened to me???
 No prompting by me on this video, just their ideas of what they think their feet smell like.

Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle theme song, performed by Preston. Google the song so you can see how accurate he is with this. (I can also sing every word- perhaps something I can do as a party trick someday?? No?)

Twinkle Twinkle, as performed by both kids. Callie strips down to undies as soon as we get home each day. I have stopped fighting it and embraced the madness that is my life.