Friday, October 1, 2010

Old School and New School

Last week Preston had his last day with Steph. She was a great daycare provider for the first 2 years of his life!
Taking some brownies to share with his friends on his last day.
Preston and Steph.
Preston, Alex, Payton, and Steph.

This week Preston started Preschool at The Purple Dragon. A rough week to do it since I was at Wildwood, but he survived with (hopefully) minimal damage.
Here he is on his first day.
"I got my backpack on, my shoes tied tight...I hope I don't get into a fight."

With Miss Mila at his first drop-off. His face says it all.

Waving good-bye to Daddy out the window.

Some projects from his first few days. He gets pictures when he helps clean-up. This week was D week, so everything has a D theme. DOG picture for clean-up reward, Dinosaur drawing, a Doll that he painted, and Dot Art.

I'm loving the little projects that come home since we didn't get any of that at his old place.
Here is a little dinosaur worksheet inspired song he was singing/making up today. Apparently he learned to read sheet music this week...
It has been a rough transition for him, and we are still working through it. Hopefully next week will be smoother!


Erin said...

He is doing great...the video says tons about the stimulation he needs! What an amazingly smart kiddo!

The Lunds said...

fun projects! hope this week is much better ...