Thursday, August 6, 2009

Growing Up Too Fast

What happened to my tiny baby??Some of his favorite things now include: kissing Boo Boo Kitty, brushing his teeth, eating crackers, chasing MC and Phoggy and trying to give them kisses, eating fruit, playing horse ride with Dada wearing a cowboy hat, squirming around on the changing table, reading books on Mama's lap, drinking milk from his sippy cup and going "ahhhhh" after he takes a big drink (no more bottles!!), dancing/playing air guitar, saying "car car" but not riding in it for more than 20 minutes or so, climbing up the slide at the park, fountains, knocking over towers of blocks, and chasing his cousins around the house.

Getting ready for his bath is also a big hit every day. Now he can help take off his clothes and loves to brush his teeth! (Not sure how clean they are getting, but I figure any brushing is better than none, and he won't let me do it.)


The Lunds said...

Wah! I do the same thing - look back at pictures and videos and just can't believe she was ever that small!

Genie said...

He's just SO ADORABLE!!! They grow up so fast! Does it make you want to have another????? :)