Its not what you think. This post isn't about friends. It is about boogers. See video of Preston to understand...
Not sure WHY the boogers are friends forever, but it made me giggle.
His imagination/creativity continue to astound me. An example from tonight.: he likes a Dora episode where Boots gets his hair cut. They sing a little song that goes like this: We're goin' to the bar-ber shop, we gotta get there. Preston decided to change the words tonight as we went to the bathroom for him to make a "big yucky". He sang (over and over again) We're goin' to the poo-py shop, we gotta poop there. Yup- he is my kid.
A few pictures since I have been a blog slacker lately. (Back to work and no sleep = no time/energy for fun stuff!)
Last day at soccer- we'll play again next spring
Ellen and Preston at Jack's 3rd birthday party-
Snoozin' in her crib. Mommy isn't quite ready for her to sleep there at night, but soon enough. She is too big for her bassinet!!
Sneeze and a little chatter
1 comment:
I don't think Callie is as big a fan of the Flip as Preston. :) Can't wait to hear her funny stories!
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