Sunday, December 19, 2010


Preston's God-Mother is in town, so she wanted to do something fun with him. What's better than a trip to Crown Center?
Molly and P waiting to sit on Santa's lap. Sweet Santa pic. Preston promptly told him he wants a space rocket and then busted into his "Up on the House Top" song. Santa was kind enough to sing the whole song with Preston. So precious!

Then across the street to play in the trains, cars, and yes- one space rocket outside.

Toy soldier- P's stick is his sword.

Then off to dinner at Fritz's. Love those choo-choo trains!
Thanks, Molly, for a fun night!


The Lunds said...

Fun times! We took a spontaneous trip to Crown Center last week and Ells loved the outside play area, but we were the bad parents who brought a kid in dress shoes, no socks, no hat and no gloves. Woops!

The Berndts said...

I had so much fun with P!