Thursday, November 11, 2010

Belly Watch, 4AM, and Twinkles

So here I was at 20 weeks with Preston... And here I am at 19 weeks with peanut #2. Much bigger, methinks! At least I FEEL much bigger at this point. Less than a week and we'll know what this little wiggle worm is...

This is what happens when your kid wakes up at 4am and tells you he isn't tired. After the typical calming down, cuddle time, and whatnot, the conversation went something like this:
me- Ok, P, time to get back in bed
p- but I not ti-ard
me- well, Mommy IS tired, and she wants to go back to bed
p- no get back in bed! (sniffle sniffle)
me- let's go, bud
me- you want to read books in bed since you aren't tired?
p- no. not in bed. wead books in chair.
me- ok- whatever, kid. Mommy needs sleep. Read your books in your chair.
p-ok- see you when you wake up momee
Fast forward to 7 am, and this is what we find. Passed out with his little feet sticking straight off the edge of the chair. Notice the Elmo slippers are on- he HAD to have them at 4 am, too.

Kids are funny. He was OBVIOUSLY not tired. At least he was smart enough to bring his blankie with him to keep warm...

And for your listening enjoyment...singing "Twinkle Twinkle". And I use the term 'singing' loosely.


Bets said...

Preston & I must have been on the same page last night! I went to bed at 10. Always a mistake with me. I woke up later feeling like I had been asleep FOREVER ... it was 12:30. Then, I woke up at 2:00 and again at 4:30. I was wide awake so turned on my light & got a magazine. I woke up this morning with a magazine on my face :)
He's much cuter than I though :)
P.S. I still don't think you look preggo at all! Teeny, tiny Momma!

The Lunds said...

Ohmygosh, that is the funniest thing! And, Ells thinks her boyfriend has a nice singing voice (I want see dat again ...).
Would it be inappropriate if I did a (non-pregnant) belly watch on my blog? Because, umm, I think mine looks like your after I eat dinner. :) If you have a girl she will be lucky to get your superhero metabolism!

Anonymous said...

OH MY! The pictures and his singing are the cutest things!!! That put a big smile on my face this nasty rainy morning. Thank you P!!
-Aunt Megan

Liz Krueger said...

love the choice of bed for the remainder of the are SO funny!! Love the singing too :)