Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Play With Your Food

We had our one year check-up today, and everything looks great! Here are P's stats for those who might be curious:
Weight- 22.4lbs (50%tile)
Head- 18.25 inches (50%tile)
Height- 30.5 inches (75%tile)
The shots and toe-poke to draw blood were torturous to everyone involved. When it was finally over, the nurse said, "That was so traumatic that I'm sweating!" I nominate Clint to go for the next round of shots since he hasn't had to do that yet. It sucks.
Here's a little movie of a couple meal times from this week. Some good giggles with the Cheerios box the other day, and Preston showing me his new trick tonight.


Genie said...

Money saving tip- don' buy name brand cheerios. The generic tastes the same and is so much cheaper. :) Love the new trick!!

Anonymous said...

I think he is blowing kisses!- Aunt Sara