Preston got to go visit Santa this week at our neighborhood tree lighting ceremony. Santa read the kids a story, listened to their long lists of 'I-wants', and then dazzled the crowd with his sleigh. Not just any old makeshift sleigh...his super-duper-rocket-booster sleigh! Preston was a sweet and patient boy while in the same room as Santa. He literally sat still for over 10 minutes waiting for his turn- you can see a small part of this in the video. Now if we could only transfer that perfect behavior into our everyday lives! We had our magic Santa Cameras installed this week to see if that will help. They are inside the smoke detectors and he has been talking about them frequently.
"Mommy, I see a wed light up thewe."
"That means it's working."
"I'm scawed of the light, Mommy."
"Don't be scared...just be a sweet boy and Santa will be happy!"
Thank you, Christmas, for giving me some leverage over my child at the moment. Stellar parenting? Probably not. But I'll take what I can get.

And here are some claps from my sweet girl. YAY! 8 months old and full of energy. Crawling everywhere (still almost exclusively army style), laughing, clapping, climbing up stairs, cutting two teeth, putting any and everything in her mouth, pulling up on the couch, following big bro around, and trying to escape from her crib are some of her latest milestones. Sleeping completely through the night is a milestone we're still waiting for. Desperately waiting.